Friday, August 06, 2004

I don't happen to use any P2P programs and I haven't for a long time...

While I was looking around today, I noticed this story on Reuters. I had trouble accessing the site that was mentioned in the article, but the other site that was talked about in the article has some pretty crazy pix.

We've all heard the "shove it" and "four more years of hell" "SCANDALS"(?) being bandied about when people talk about Teresa Heinz Kerry. This is a few weeks old, but if you believe what this individual has to say, Dubya also has practice using a one-finger salute. I don't really know and the picture doesn't make anything crystal clear, but it would be funny if it happened. Besides, how easily can we forget some of the Dubya issues from the first campaign? I'm not offended at all because I could swear Dubya up one side of the room and back down the other. However, seeing that some of Dubya's "base" is the conservative Christian movement, I find the CinC's actions amusing.

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