Sunday, October 31, 2004

I don't keep up with "popular" music...

I gave up on MTV a long time ago (save for The Osbournes). I guess that my definition of cool is different now. Hey, that's fine because life is flux. Anyway, I caught a little bit of SNL last night. Eminem happened to be the musical guest. I had heard a small segment of his latest song encouraging people to get out and vote (presumably against the Shrub). It's called Mosh. For a long time, I didn't like Marshall Mathers very much. Thanks to Ric, I was actually exposed to some of Eminem's work. Yes, it's brash and vulgar at times. However, it comes from somewhere. We checked out 8 Mile not too long after that. Suzanne still has a low opinion of the music. The point of this whole thing is to say that I like Eminem's latest piece. Hell, it can't be too bad. Even Moby likes it. Check it out at or Yahoo! Launch.

I'm not a sports fan by any stretch of the imagination, but "Go Packers"!

Election stuff...

I don't need to mention again that I'm voting for Michael Badnarik (oops, I guess I just did). It just occurred to me that I've failed to mention a local (Illinois at least) alternative. We have Obama and we have Keyes. On Tuesday, I'm voting to try to put Jerry Kohn in the US Senate. The other alternative candidate for the US Senate is Albert J. Franzen. I have some family members (immediate and extended) who think we should vote to keep the Shrub. Some even go as far as saying that our vote will be wasted and that this is no time for a protest vote. There are some "libertarians" voting for Bush this year on those grounds. I wholeheartedly disagree. My take on things is that a protest vote is needed now more than ever. But hey, opinions are like.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Freedom Fighter Apostolis - Artist Gregory Christeas

Fellow artists this line it is not about art but about my fight for freedom, the people who betrayed me and ordered my murder to keep me silent. I am asking for the help of my fellow artists and every Free and good person on this planet, to help me get the truth out through the internet and through word of mouth by giving to others the address of this website and the others to do the same.
Please tell your friends about this page and help me get the truth out.
Freedom Fighter Apostolis - Artist Gregory Christeas
Never give up Never Surrender - Happy New Year