Monday, November 01, 2004

I've had the chance to partake in a couple of online Zogby polls this year...

I took one a week or so ago. After the polls, they give a few links to a brief analysis of a couple of their recent products. The last one I took led me to an analysis of an August poll that Zogby did. One thing that struck me was that 90% of undecideds weren't satisfied with their choices this year. The time is so absolutely right for protest. A news report that I read today mentioned that 98% of the people asked have emphatically made up their mind. The vine was ripe for the picking in August. It will be very interesting to see if Nader, the Greens, the Libertarians, the Constitution Party, or any of the other alternative choices have any impact on tomorrow's results. I would say "May the best man win!", but I don't believe in either of the likely victors. Sorry!

Fiscal policies of Bush or Kerry...

There are some people who have significant government experience and have poor opinions of the fiscal policies of either of the two big-ticket candidates. What are the potential pitfalls of the way our "leaders" are spending? Read on...

I suppose that we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

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