Saturday, April 28, 2007


OK, it's been (as of about nine this morning) a week free of the nico-beast. I smoked about a carton a week. That's a little over thirty bucks. If you believe these numbers, that's about 2200 minutes I didn't take away from my life (at 11 minutes a smoke). That's the most important part to me...

Well, ladies and gents, it's time to run. We have to go catch our best friends (and their ever-enjoyable kiddies) for breakfast. Mmmmm, breakfast......

Y'all come back now....


Anonymous said...

HOO-ah.... breakfast withOUT "the smoke".... keep it UP, zon! GREAT stuph!

Anonymous said...

good for you :-) Tony kicked the habbit about 3 years ago. He still misses it but the beer helps.


Unknown said...

I kind of fell off the wagon not long after...

I will try again soon because I'm fairly sick of cigarettes. And with our current hours, beer would put me under....