Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Wayne Allyn Root talks with Neil Cavuto....

September 16, 2008 - $85 billion loan to AIG
September 22-30, 2008 - $440,000 top performing agent trip to St. Regis Resort
October 10, 2008 - AIG seeks additional $36 billion loan

I realize that the AIG executives weren't directly involved and the little junket had been planned for months, but the current business operating environment that AIG finds itself in should probably lead to some belt tightening. This whole debacle raises some question on what kind of waste (other than the widely known "tax earmarks") the $700 billion bailout will create. By the way, here's an interesting blog...

Ye olde Federal Government has established some new guidelines for physical activity for American adults. Two of my favorite activities (sanitized of course):

A couple of hours of hiking
A couple of hours with the trusty old sack

Gotta love those folks at Google....

They are testing a new Gmail feature (you have to turn it on) to help you make sure you want to send that e-mail if you might be slightly blitzed or not thinking straight. They call it "Mail Goggles"....

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