Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sometimes I surprise even myself.....

I don't claim to be a great cook, but I whipped up a BBQ chicken calzone this evening that was TOTALLY kickin'.

OK, next I think I'll try to provide a VERY simple answer about why I consider myself a Libertarian.....

Folks often ask me why I'd vote for Libertarians when they have no chance and then proceed to suggest voting for the "lesser of two evils". They'll definitely have no chance if people who generally believe in Libertarian principles and policies vote solely based on who is going to win. As for the "lesser of two evils", I will vote for my general principles. At the heart of the matter (for me) is one simple philosophy:

I TRULY believe that most people can live their own lives and make their own choices without excessive government (federal, state, local) intervention in the freedom to make those choices.

We are lucky enough to live in a place where we are extraordinarily free. But, we can always get better. I consider this especially true after the last eight years!

As we know by now (for those who mind that sort of thing), the last time a third party candidate was included in a Presidential debate was in 1992. Bob Barr had an interesting method of getting his word out as an alternative to the debate. Here's a Q&A session with questions submitted via the internet:

I think he's doing it right. Now here's someone who (hey, just my opinion) is doing it ALL WRONG. Maybe I don't "know" the things she "knows", but there's been so much CRAP spread about the Senator from Illinois that I wouldn't have the slightest doubt if some of the info the "letter" she speaks about is infused with the dominant "internet lore" propaganda.

Last words? Something else done right....

I already knew that Lindt made excellent chocolate. A friend had mentioned something about chocolate infused with chili pepper and I knew I had to try it. I found some when I went to the store the other day. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I didn't expect excessive "heat". There was just the faint aftertaste of heat. However, I wouldn't necessarily take my word for it. My taste buds are probably desensitized to a lot of that hot stuff. Anyway, the chocolate left a nice warming sensation. Heck, I think I'll eat a square or two right now.

Peace, y'all!

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