Tuesday, October 14, 2008

And thus the eager anticipation has ended.....

We've been waiting for the Mexican restaurant in the new (and smallish) shopping center right around the corner from our neighborhood to open for a number of months. It finally opened on Monday. I considered going the day it opened, but the wife unit (1 each) was in Florida and I had other stuff to do. However, she got back today and we went to try it out this evening. It's called El Olmeca......

We enjoyed it! If you're in the area, give it a shot. Mmmmmmm, that means restaurant quality margaritas and Mexican food within walking distance. Excellent!

Today's political advertisement.....

Bob Barr on CNN's "Situation Room"

I was interested to see that I received a letter from Senator Jeff Sessions regarding my request that he vote against the "bailout". I was very happy to see that Senators Sessions AND Shelby held their ground and voted against the package the first time around and the second time as well. I suppose that we'll start to see some results within a few weeks or months, but the implications and results will probably take several years.....

Well, I'll probably check out the last snoozer (oops, I mean Presidential debate) on Wednesday night. Old Johnny Mac promised to "whip Obama's you know what". I'm sure the same old tired soundbites and vague half-truths will find their way into this back-and-forth as well. On the other hand, I can handle watching the debates better than SOME FOLKS I KNOW.......

Well, I'm going to cut it off here. Peace, y'all!

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