Saturday, July 24, 2004

Discovered at a right-wing lunatic site that rhymes with

Regarding Doonesbury being dropped by Continental Features:

"I am really happy that we are dropping that comic because first of all it is not even written by an American! Why on earth would we want any subversive un-American comics in our American newspapers anyway? It doesn't make any sense! I think we ought to throw Truedo in the jail with other traitors to our Freedom like Michael More. I think we should havea Constitutional Amenment which gives the President the right to jail or interrogate any suspected traitor."

I had to gently remind the individual in question about the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 and the Sedition Act of 1918. To borrow a line from an A&W commercial... What a dumbass! Even MOST of the Bushies I know aren't this ludicrous. I'm sure there are more lurking about, but I believe that even Dubya himself would have a laugh at the individual's apparent contempt for the United States Constitution (well, maybe not considering how much the Constitution is being bent as I type). Treason is already covered in the Constitution and this individual probably skipped the First Amendment lesson in Civics class. One thing I know I'll always get at the aforementioned website is a laugh from dorks like this.

This is social engineering with a gory side.

So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, good night...

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