Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I actually considered taking a drive to Cedar Rapids to see Dubya today...

Unfortunately, my sleep habits are such that I didn't feel that it would be safe. Besides, I didn't even really know about his visit until this morning. I don't frequent the campaign website or the blog (hell, they don't even allow comments) so I was late. Anyway, it would have been interesting to see (or picket or quietly chuckle about). I found it particularly interesting that Dubya's venue was Kirkwood Community College. The Libertarian VP candidate happens to teach there (a search of the faculty only pulls up his wife). Here's Campagna's blog...

I love the political games that are already being played with this Sandy Berger thing. Shows with hosts like Joe Scarborough have those flashy graphics that say "Another Clinton Scandal?". Some sites/news outlets mention that only copies are missing and others say that critical original documents from the Clinton Administration are MISSING. This IS a serious problem. The former National Security Advisor should have a damn clue about how to handle classified documentation. I just think it's too early to start blaming Berger's stupidity on Slick Willy.

Dude! Duke had better be careful. They might be issuing a deadly weapon.

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