Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Mixed signals...

Dubya, please just tell us one thing...

Your speech on Monday said that because we went in and removed Saddam, America is safer. You mentioned that for a number of other reasons, America is safer.

Today, your acting DCI mentioned that the threat level is the highest it has been since 9/11.

Tom Ridge mentioned an elevated threat last week (without raising the color-coded terror alert level to Bert).

Are we safer or not?

I posit that the "power vacuum" left in Iraq by removing an avowedly cruel and murderous dictator has made the threat of terrorism (especially WMD terrorism since most people are convinced that weapons were there) higher. I think that the bio-lab transactions with Saddam during the late 80s (Chapter 1 under the heading "U.S. Exports of Biological Materials to Iraq") (yes, even AFTER Halabja) are very telling and that Dubya should ask his daddy "WTF?"

In Libertarian Presidential hopeful news, Michael Badnarik and crew are still charging across the country and blogging along the way. Check it out!

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