Monday, October 04, 2004

We DID make it home safely last night around 8:30 PM...

The plane ride was fairly uneventful but driving damn near straight into the sun while leaving Chi-town in the thick of traffic was quite a feat. Suzanne and I thought that Gnomedex kicked ass. As usual, I don't normally meet a whole lot of new people when I go to something like this because I hang around with Suzanne and beyond that, I'm fairly introverted. I am pleased to have met and chatted up Jim and Michael. Additionally, meeting and talking to the individuals responsible for was A-OK! We're already raring to go next year...

One thing that a rep from Yahoo! brought up on the closing night was their newly retooled "My Yahoo!" portal. I was using it before we even went to Lake Tahoe. One ultra-cool feature they have set up is the ability to integrate RSS feeds right into your own "My Yahoo!" page. You can also do this with your favorite blog(s). See?
Add 'Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate......' to My Yahoo!

Obviously, you have to be signed up on Yahoo! to use the features available, but it's nice to be able to view the latest headlines and blog posts all in one convenient spot. If you do sign up, be sure to visit your account page and set up the "marketing preferences" as necessary.

I knew I should have called in last night to see if I was supposed to work today. As it happens, I didn't. Oh well, I was in and out very quickly.

One last thing... If you run Windows and want a good graphics editing program on the cheap, think about getting GIMP for Windows. When I was trying out Linux on my desktop, I used The GIMP and I loved it. Having played around with it for a few hours this afternoon, I was reminded of the fairly extensive feature set that it has.


Anonymous said...

Hi Art, Just wanted to pop in and say Hello and thank you for coming to Gnomedex! It's good to hear you all had a good time. I hope to meet you in the future.

Anonymous said...

Hi Art, Just wanted to pop in and say Hello and thank you for coming to Gnomedex! It's good to hear you all had fun. I hope to meet you in the future, maybe at G5.

Unknown said...

Thanks, we had a blast. We will try our damnedest to make it next year. We missed the first one but we've been to each subsequent event. We plan to keep trying...