Saturday, January 15, 2011

A big whopping two items regarding Browns Ferry at the NRC's site since last week...

ML110110010 - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2 And 3 - Email - Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Re: Request To Extend Completion Time For TS 3.8.1 Required Action B.4.(TAC No(S). ME5036-8).

ML110130390 - Annual Letter - Generic Fundamentals Examination (GFE) Section .

If you're interested in finding info regarding that nuke plant in your backyard, here's how:

Go to You'll need the docket number for whatever facility you're interested in. Once you're at the Web-Based ADAMS page, click on the "Advanced Search" tab. You can then use the Query and Query Builder on the left hand side of the advanced search page to find what you're looking for. Here's the query I used for documents for Browns Ferry since last week:

e_create_date:{01/08/2011 TO *} Docket_Number:(05000259* OR 05000260* OR 05000296*)

For a list of power reactors throughout the US (click on the facility to find the docket number), click here. Questions? Here's the Web-based ADAMS user guide.

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