Thursday, September 23, 2004

I was happy to receive one reasonable response to my anti-Bush/Kerry e-mail...

I suppose that I respond with e-mails against both of them because I don't feel represented well by either party. Besides, it's fun to let people know that there are political parties other than Democans/Republicrats. It gets people thinking about what they believe. I can sure as hell guarantee you that most media outlets and/or political entities don't talk much about alternatives.

Gnomedex begins next week. I'm ready now! We get to enjoy our annual CPR training at work tomorrow and then I'll be off until we get back from Tahoe.

Yahoo! has been running its Tech Tuesday column for ten months now. There's a lot of good information available. Check it out.

First it was Achim. Suzanne wasn't far behind. Both recommended checking out Firefox. I did and I like it. For now, I'm still mixing the use of both. However, I eventually intend to see if I like using an alternative exclusively. Hey, it's free! Give it a shot.

Well, I think I'll go get mentally prepared for CPR training (take that as get ready for bed). Nighty-night!

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