Friday, October 01, 2004


It's pretty much the end of the first official day of Gnomedex. The schedule for the day was as listed at the Geeks Gone Wild conference schedule for October 1. This is the third year that we have attended Gnomedex. The previous years had individual speakers speaking one at a time. The previous years saw individuals like Leo Laporte, Doc Searls, John C. Dvorak, Rob Malda, and a number of other people speaking. The format for this year was panels. I enjoyed the format change. This years speakers are listed at the schedule link above. I enjoyed the dialogue generated by having the panels. The Silicon Valley Houserockers are rockin' the house and being interrupted every once in a while by the folks from Via who are bound and determined to hand out a crapload of prizes and Gnomedex swag. That's cool!

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