Sunday, September 26, 2004

A haiku 4 U....

Hell no! Not the U S A!
Only led by dweebs!

I thought about making the title "A haiku a day keeps (something) away" but I didn't know if I'd have the discipline to keep it up.

That one was inspired by a few bottles of Guinness, just viewing Kill Bill: Volume 1, surfing the Children of Acid website, general boredom, general dislike of either of the two big party candidates, and probably a few other things.

Kill Bill was interesting. I'm not even totally sure why we didn't bother to see either of the Kill Bill movies in the theater. I can't wait to see the second part.

Suzanne and I were driving around town yesterday afternoon and we actually saw a Badnarik for President lawn sign in someone's front yard. I don't believe that this is one of the individuals we've seen at any of the local Badnarik in 2004 meetups. Maybe the word is getting out slowly. I haven't done as much as I should have. I need to rectify that situation...

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