Tuesday, October 19, 2004

If this is true, I might be screwed...

Is it bad to drink nearly a gallon of coffee every day?

I haven't talked much about the unit in Iraq that refused to perform a mission. Sometimes, risk just comes with the territory. However, I find it appalling that three years into the "war on terror" and a year and a half into the Iraqi excursion, troops aren't supplied with the best equipment. When does it become obvious that something more drastic needs to be done because even the leaders on the ground (and the people in Congress) know that things could be made safer? Families (or the soldiers guarding privately contracted individuals who make significantly more than they do) shouldn't have to buy their own body armor. Granted, John Kerry could have voted for the 87 billion after he voted for it, but we can't afford to be half-ass supporting our troops when they are fighting for the freedom of other countries. I'm still of the opinion that it isn't the job of our soldiers be freeing other countries.

Some blame must be placed on Kerry and all the others who voted yes (and are now bitching about the war) and essentially gave away their Constitutionally mandated power to declare war.

Rather than believe that the sky is falling because of a flu vaccine shortage, get the facts. It is bullshit that our supply is low but it's not the end of the world and it's not necessarily the fault of either of the two biggest BSers in this campaign. This whole flu thing did lead to John Edwards asking a funny rhetorical question... "And he couldn’t even manage this latest flu vaccine crisis. How can we trust him to deal with anthrax?" Nice. You still don't have my vote John Edwards, but that was hilarious. The Kerry-Edwards ticket couldn't do much better.

Sellam Ismail was on The Screen Savers this evening. He's responsible for this and this. That inspired me to seek out vintage public access systems accessible via the net. First and foremost, I can't say how cool SDF is. There are others. I just found the Deathrow OpenVMS cluster. Interesting...


:: jozjozjoz :: said...

I'm no expert, but a gallon of coffee a day DOES sound like a lot!


:: jozjozjoz :: said...

I'm no expert, but a gallon of coffee a day DOES sound like a lot!
