Thursday, October 28, 2004

NIPC's daily report site might not be updated anymore, but...

If you're interested in security related matters, DHS still creates a daily report of information culled from the public media about security matters. You can receive the daily report (Monday-Friday) by sending a subscription request e-mail to:

dhsdailyadmin -at-

It's just easier to have someone else gather the info. Hell, my tax money is helping create this info, so I might as well check it out. The reason I bring this up...

Today's report had a link to a press report about geocaching causing a bomb scare in Indiana. Paranoia KICKS ASS! I especially love the Blackford County Sheriff's statement about geocaching:

“People have to understand that I've been to three FBI and CIA briefings in the last two weeks, getting briefed on terrorists and terrorism. They need to find another game.”

Are you going to hold a scavenger hunt? You'd better contact the FBI, DHS, CIA, FEMA, RCMP, NSA, and any other organization that might be interested.

Those of you who might be traveling to foreign countries (or those who live there) might find this spot interesting. Ooooooooohhhhh, I just noticed this on the site. Warning: The OSAC website (the first link) can be painfully slow.

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